Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin (STZ) 60 mg/kg iv Puerarin 15 mg/kg iv noticeably diminished blood glucose level and upregulated the mRNA and protein expression of the GLUT subtype 4 (GLUT-4) in soleus muscle cells (Hsu et al, 2003). Puerarin 100 mg/kg/day ip decreased the levels of blood glucose and insulin and the protein expression of GLUT-4 at the plasma membrane of skeletal muscle (Song and Bi, 2004). In a separate study, puerarin 15 mg/kg iv reduced blood glucose level and increased endorphin content in the absence of insulin stimulation in STZ-diabetic rats (Hsu et al, 2004). Interestingly, supplementation of 0.2% kudzu root extract in normal diet for 2 months reduced arterial pressure, body weight, fasting blood glucose, plasma total cholesterol, and insulin levels in both ovariectomized and non-ovariectomized SHR rats (Peng et al, 2009). Excessive intrahepatic triglyceride content in obese persons is a robust marker of metabolic abnormalities. Recent results showed that puerarin significantly decreased the triglyceride and total cholesterol content in liver of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
At the appropriate time, participants were instructed to consume one cup at a time over a 15-minute period; participants had 5 minutes to consume the contents of each cup. A few drops of vodka were placed in each cup on top kudzu extract for alcoholism of the orange juice just prior to administration to provide a mild alcohol aroma. In summary, P. lobata has been used traditionally in China for treating various diseases including heart, stroke, high blood pressure, etc.
It is important to place the magnitude of the effects of kudzu extract on alcohol drinking in context. Alcohol drinking was not completely eliminated by kudzu extract in the present study, but was reduced from baseline drinking by an average of 45% over the four weeks of treatment. From a harm reduction perspective, kudzu extract results in a desirable outcome for a population of heavy drinkers, especially when one considers the other important finding of the present study—kudzu extract was without any adverse events and minimal side effects.
This pretreatment time was selected based on our pharmacokinetic study of puerarin absorption and elimination (Penetar et al., 2006). Estimates of blood alcohol levels were obtained during each study visit using a breathalyzer device (AlcoSensor®, Intoximeter, St Louis, MO). They were required to come to the lab twice a week to provide urine, breath and blood samples to monitor drug use, alcohol drinking and liver function, respectively.
Interestingly, the glucose unit in puerarin is attached to the isoflavone through a unique carbon-carbon bond (C-glycoside) that is substantially more resistant to enzymatic nyarolysis and metabolic deactivation than the ordinary carbonoxygen linkage (O-glycoside). This double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial tested the effects of kudzu root extract on the sleep/wake cycles of moderate drinkers. In conclusion, a relatively short-term treatment with kudzu extract failed to have a significant effect on alcohol-induced intoxication and other psychomotor and cognitive effects. Thus, the mechanism of action of this herbal preparation to reduce alcohol consumption remains elusive. Research has demonstrated that taking a kudzu extract prior to drinking can reduce alcoholic intake by between 30 and 50%. The way it appears to work is that the isoflavones speed up the effect of alcohol on the brain, alerting us to slow down.
Alcoholic drinks were made by mixing a name brand vodka (80 proof) with chilled orange juice. Volumes were individually adjusted to deliver a dose https://ecosoberhouse.com/ of either 0.35 or 0.70 g/kg in 400 ml of total volume. The mixture was poured into 3 equal volume cups and placed on ice until administration.
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